We do NOT have any available space to rent. Campbelltown Fire Company has a beautiful Social Hall and you can contact them at 717-838-3707.

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3 days ago

Four spots remaining!Palmyra Fire still has open seats in our Basic Vehicle Extrication course taught by ESI Equipment, Inc. Rescue Division! Please see the attached flyer if you're interested. ... See MoreSee Less

Four spots remaining!
2 weeks ago

Palmyra Fire still has open seats in our Basic Vehicle Extrication course taught by ESI Equipment, Inc. Rescue Division! Please see the attached flyer if you're interested. ... See MoreSee Less

Palmyra Fire still has open seats in our Basic Vehicle Extrication course taught by ESI Equipment, Inc. Rescue Division! Please see the attached flyer if youre interested.
3 weeks ago

Photos from Capital City Fire Photos's post ... See MoreSee Less

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1 CommentComment on Facebook

Praying everyone was safe !

3 weeks ago

The Palmyra Volunteers have responded to several significant incidents recently.

Late last week, the Rescue Engine assisted Fort Indiantown Gap with a second alarm commercial building fire. The crew performed overhaul and operated for approximately two hours.

On Friday, the Tower, Rescue Engine, and Utility assisted Annville Cleona Fire Department with a working house fire. Members performed search and rescue, assisted with fire attack, and overhaul, operating for approximately two hours.

Yesterday evening, Palmyra Fire and mutual aid companies were alerted for a house fire in the Borough and the Rescue-Engine and Tower with 10 personnel were on the street in under three minutes. Units arrived to a large volume of fire from a duplex home, striking the second alarm. Personnel operated for approximately four hours. Thank you to the mutual aid companies for your assistance.
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The Palmyra Volunteers have responded to several significant incidents recently.  Late last week, the Rescue Engine assisted Fort Indiantown Gap with a second alarm commercial building fire. The crew performed overhaul and operated for approximately two hours.  On Friday, the Tower, Rescue Engine, and Utility assisted Annville Cleona Fire Department with a working house fire. Members performed search and rescue, assisted with fire attack, and overhaul, operating for approximately two hours.  Yesterday evening, Palmyra Fire and mutual aid companies were alerted for a house fire in the Borough and the Rescue-Engine and Tower with 10 personnel were on the street in under three minutes. Units arrived to a large volume of fire from a duplex home, striking the second alarm. Personnel operated for approximately four hours. Thank you to the mutual aid companies for your assistance.Image attachmentImage attachment+4Image attachment

8 CommentsComment on Facebook

Thank you for all you do for our community.

Strong work, everyone. We'll done.

Our Fire Company is always there when you need them. May God always protect them.

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4 weeks ago

For Monday night drill, crews went over performing search and rescue in structure fires before completing numerous practical scenarios in zero visibility conditions. This was made possible thanks to the lumber YOU, the community, donated to the department to build our mock bedrooms! Thanks to Lawn Fire Company for joining us to train as well. ... See MoreSee Less

For Monday night drill, crews went over performing search and rescue in structure fires before completing numerous practical scenarios in zero visibility conditions. This was made possible thanks to the lumber YOU, the community, donated to the department to build our mock bedrooms! Thanks to Lawn Fire Company for joining us to train as well.Image attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment
1 month ago

The Wagon Company with five members assisted Swatara Fire 91 with this second alarm fire this morning. The crew initially staged before being deployed to relieve crews operating within the fire building. Members worked for approximately four hours before returning available. Meanwhile, three other incidents were handled in the Borough.Units currently operating 1st Due (600 Block of 2nd St) for a 2nd Alarm House Fire. E91 has fire from 3 dwellings.

Photo by Andrew Umstead
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The Wagon Company with five members assisted Swatara Fire 91 with this second alarm fire this morning. The crew initially staged before being deployed to relieve crews operating within the fire building. Members worked for approximately four hours before returning available. Meanwhile, three other incidents were handled in the Borough.
1 month ago

Crews are currently assisting Hershey with this apartment building fire.Multiple fire departments are operating on a second alram fire. Hallmark Building. Fire is knocked down. Checking for extension and searching the building. HVFD PIO on scene. ... See MoreSee Less

Crews are currently assisting Hershey with this apartment building fire.

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

Thank you for your service to the community!

Thank you for all your hard work

Oh no this is so sad !!!!

1 month ago

Photos from Capital City Fire Photos's post ... See MoreSee Less

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1 month ago

The Palmyra Volunteers and surrounding mutual aid companies worked this structure fire in the Borough just before 0600hrs this morning. Crews were able to contain the fire to the building of origin and ensure all residents were evacuated. Thank you to the mutual aid companies for your assistance. ... See MoreSee Less

The Palmyra Volunteers and surrounding mutual aid companies worked this structure fire in the Borough just before 0600hrs this morning. Crews were able to contain the fire to the building of origin and ensure all residents were evacuated. Thank you to the mutual aid companies for your assistance.Image attachmentImage attachment

12 CommentsComment on Facebook

Good morning! Milkha here with Fox43 News. Are we able to use these photos on air and online? If so, who should we give credits to? Thank you very much!

Where was this at

Hello, this is Ronda from WGAL. Would you allow us to use the pictures on air and online? If so, who should we credit? Thank you, Ronda

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Citizens Fire Company No. 1 Palmyra, Pa